Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: In Review (Movies)

As 2014 comes to a close, I'm going to take the time once again to give statistics for the movie watching I did this past year.

I set myself a goal to watch at least 175 movies in 2014, which I did not meet. Because of this, I am not setting a goal for 2015. I I'm not disappointed my not making the goal, I've just come to realize life happens, and I won't always be able to watch 10+ movies a month.

So what did I watch in 2014? Altogether, 154 movies. My 2014 Pinterest board can be found here for a complete listing of each film.

Out of the 154 films, 116 (75%) were first time viewings, leaving only 38 (25%) as films I had seen before. That is an average I am happy with.

Month by Month breakdowns

January - 8 (5%)
February - 14 (9%)
March - 16 (10%)
April - 26 (17%)
May - 15 (10%)
June - 7 (5%)
July - 17 (11%)
August - 14 (9%)
September - 14 (9%)
October - 10 (6%)
November - 3 (2%)
December - 10 (6%)

Comparing to last year, it doesn't look like I have steady viewing habits.  I look forward to seeing what 2015 has in store, for movies, as well as my personal viewing habits. I have a few shows I plan to start watching, so that may skew the numbers a bit. We shall see.

Looking back at 2014, I did a lot of franchise viewing. Theresa and I watched the first four Leprechaun movies while she was visiting, and then I tackled both Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th series this summer.  I began Critters, Prom Night and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, which I will probably continue in the new year. Elizabeth and I tackled the Ocean's Trilogy after our trip to Vegas, and then did the complete Hobbit experience in theaters earlier this month.

If you would like to follow my 2015 movie board on Pinterest, I've set it up already and it can be found here.

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