Tuesday, April 30, 2013


First things first: It seems that the site I use to list the movies I've watched hasn't been all that reliable recently, so I'm including a link to my Pinterest page that is basically the same thing.  I actually like the Pinterest page better, but I think that's because I get to choose what art represents the movie.

I'm really hoping that I stick to updating this thing regularly again.  It's a way for me to be writing, which helps.  I've been taking an online writing course, and hopefully that will help me expand some of the ideas that burrow into my head.

I've got a doctors appointment this afternoon, to see what kind of possible problem I have regarding my kidneys.  I produce too much protien, which is a possible sign of many different health problems.

So, my main reason for making this blog was movies, which is what I will continue to use it for, as well as anything else that I fancy.  So, without further adieu, lets see what I've viewed recently!  I'm going to number the movies as they fall on my list.

66) Mortal Kombat - A fun, cheesy, and overall not a bad film from the mid '90s, based upon the ever popular video game franchise.  Now, I've never been a real big gamer, but I do own a copy of Mortal Kombat for my SNES.  And even though I've never been good with fighting games, I did enjoy it a lot when I played it.  The movie itself is decent.  You can tell Lambert had fun playing Rayden.  And Goro was done awesomely.  I ended up watching some making of vids on YouTube on how Goro was done, and it was quite inpressive.  The music makes this movie, as they use the original VG music in most of the fight scenes.  Which I now believe ALL movie fight scenes should have as background music.

67) Maximum Overdrive - Oh man, this is an underrated film, in my opinion.  It's been a while since I had seen it, and I had forgotten at how good of a movie it really is.  I love Emilio Estevez in it, and it's just a great B-film from the '80s.  The Green Goblin truck is classic, and makes an awesome protagonist.  Plus, you get a soundtrack done completely by AC/DC.  I really don't think you can go wrong with a movie about killer machines.

Oh wait....

68) Trucks - Seriously, I should've just rewatched Maximum Overdrive.  This is a made for TV remake done by USA in '97.  I normally can tolerate bad movies.  And yes, I did watch this through until the end.  Which I guess was the one good aspect of it.  The acting was bad, the effects were horrible (blood looked like strawberry jelly), and instead of all machinery becoming active, it was just a handful of trucks.  Oh yeah, and it took place outside of Area 51.  The music was some generic sounding suspense stuff, and there weren't any truly likeable characters.

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