Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Recent Thrifting

I've been out thrifting twice since my last update on it, and I figured I could get a post out of the finds on those trips.  Once again, mostly books & movies added to the collection.

This is a random selection of books that appealed to me.  I'm always down for an intriguing true crime book, and The Last Victim is about correspondence with some of the most notorious serial killers, and the secrets they spilled in their letters.  Trivia and humor books are always an easy sale with me, especially since they are normally re-readable.  And Dead Wrong is another conspiracy book written by Richard Belzer, who wrote one of my all-time favorites: UFOs, JFK, & Elvis.

Elizabeth was introduced to the works of David Baldacci via a co-worker, so I've slowly started picking up his books when I find them at a good price.

Four movie novelizations I found while out this past weekend.  As I've stated in previous entries, I am a big fan of these, and I was happy to find these.  I rarely stumble across them while out, and I was pleased to find two newer novelizations, as well as one for The Shadow, which is one of my favorite '90s comic book movies.

Brand new board game, so was an easy sell.  We are always looking for new games, and when they haven't even been opened yet, it's hard to pass up.  This one is based on visual word puzzles, so we we're intrigued.  Probably will break it out at the next game night with friends.
When looking for movies while thrifting, it is usually hit or miss.  I either don't find any titles that interest me, OR the disc has seen better days.  Thankfully, I've come across some stuff the last few trips that prove it is still worth looking.
Most Wanted I've never seen, but falls into a genre of film I love (the mid '90s action film), and the plot sounded interesting enough to give it a try.  Plus, DVDs were BOGO, and I had already found Heart and Souls, so needed a 2nd.  Even though I'm not the biggest fan of RDJ, I remember watching Heart and Souls a lot growing up and enjoying it.  I'm a fan of the time travel/destiny/body-swapping movies, which I would say this falls into.
This past weekend, I found these two gems.  Paid $5 for both, which is a steal given that Paramount set has 10 films.  For a Disney DVD, Melody Time looks brand new.  And if the picture is too small, the list of films on the 10 pack are:

Cloak & Dagger
The Wizard
Cop and a Half
King Ralph
Sgt. Bilko
Ghost Dad
A Simple Wish
The Borrowers

I bolded the two films I mainly bought it for, as I'm a big fan of both and had yet to purchase the individual dvds.  I look forward to watching this set, and is probably one of the better movie deals I've found while thrifting.

Will probably be doing some more thrifting over the upcoming Labor Day weekend, as  my parents will be visiting, so hoping to find some good deals then.

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