Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Weekend Thrifting (Sept 5)

As with most visits with my parents, I was able to spend some time thrifting this past weekend.  Every trip is an adventure, and that is the beauty of thrift stores.  Some trips are misses, but for the most part I usually find a book or DVD to add to my collection.  This weekend, I hit the jackpot for myself at the first stop, so everything else was just an added bonus.  So, let's take a look at my weekend finds.

Shall we play a game?
First up, some board games to add to our ever-collection.  Time's Up! is a charades like game where the teams are attempting to guess famous, historical and fictional names over 3 different rounds.  We have a similar game called Identity Crisis, and these type of games are always fun during parties.  Teams of Enemies is a trivia game in which the teams switch throughout game play.  Interesting concept, and since we are always looking for something new to play, we thought we would give it a shot.

Just in time for the holidays

Working or not, I was not going to pass these up.
Next up: some awesome decorations, just in time for Halloween.  A role of Caution tape, which has endless capabilities, and a string of "Jason" lights (that I'm assuming don't work, as the black box is rusty and had corroded batteries in it) that will look great hanging up.

Random books

Mirror, Mirror
Fist pile of books: The Disney Villain, by Ollie and Frank, two of Disney's "Nine Old Men".  It's a great look at all the classic Disney villains full of art.  I own a documentary about them, which I highly recommend.  Also in the pic is a Richard Matheson book I hadn't heard of, Shadow on the SunThe Obake Files is a compilation of Hawaiian haunts and tales by Glen Grant.  Elizabeth being from Hawaii and both of us having a huge interest in the paranormal, this was a fun find.

Media Tie-Ins!
Second pile of books: Media!  A nice selection of movie novelizations were found this weekend, plus a Richard Castle book that we didn't own.  I'm curious as to how Final Destination works in book form, even if it is the novelization for my least favorite of the movies.

These two movies have been on my "To Be Watched" list since the beginning of summer, mainly due to some conversations and recommendations on Twitter.  Sadly, Red Eye will be a bittersweet first time viewing, as Wes Craven passed away last week.  Heat I feel will be one of those "Why have I waited so long to watch this? movies.

Batman, Robin, Two-Face and The Riddler
The picture sadly does not do this find justice.  I found a complete set of the McDonald's glasses for Batman Forever.  So, it's not the best Batman movie there is. But a part of me still enjoys it, and maybe it is the campiness of it that I like.  Even though I dislike Batman & Robin, I would probably buy promotion and tie-ins items for it as well.  I think my favorite thing is that each glass handle is distinctive, my favorite being the Two-Face glass which is of a flipping coin.

The One that started it all
Last, but not least: Carrie by Stephen King.  King is one of the few authors that I am trying to get a complete works in Hardcover for, and Carrie has been one of the few titles that has been eluding me.  No more, as I found this gem for $2 at a recently re-opened DAV.  It is in pristine condition, and I actually made an audible noise when I saw it on the shelf.  Elizabeth came over and asked if everything was alright, LoL.  Like I said, this was the first find at the first stop on my weekend.  If this had been my only find, I would of been one happy thrifter.
For those that are curious, the only titles missing from my hardcover King collection are books 1-4 of The Dark Tower series, and The Green Mile (if it was ever collected that way).
Overall, a great weekend.  Not sure when I will go out next, but hopefully it will be just a good of a trip.  Thanks for reading, and until next time!

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