Tuesday, July 02, 2013


Taking some time to catch up.

Comics for the most part last week were great.  I'm loving the City Fall arc in TMNT, and the new Godzilla book that started on Wednesday got off to a great start.  I mean, Japanese Godzilla VS. 1998 Americanized Godzilla?  I can't wait!

DC has me interested in the upcoming Trinity War.  And I'm interested in all of the Lantern books with their new teams, but found Red Lanterns to be the one I'm most interested in after the first issue.  I'm really looking forward to Villains Month in September, and to see what ramifications come out of it.

I've started using Twitter again.  So, if you are on there and want to find me: Jrwells82.

On the movie side of things, I've decided I need to start watching movies I've recently purchased or got from DVD Swap.  Since I have added 24 movies to my collection since joining their site last year.

106) The Town That Dreaded Sundown - This is one of the Scream Factory releases I purchased last month, and I finally decided it was time to give it a chance.  Is a pretty decent movie, and the fact that it is (loosely) based on a true event down in Texarkana is what makes it so frightening.  I really enjoyed this film, and Scream Factory did a stellar job, not just with the transfer for Blu-Ray, but also the supplemental features.  On the DVD, there is a bonus film of The Evictors, which I will attempt to make time for this month.

107) Mad Max - I finally acquired a DVD of The Road Warrior through DVD Swap, so it's time to watch another franchise of films I love.  Mad Max is a pretty solid film, with some great car chases & crashes, and an excellent performance from Mel Gibson.  Of course, The Road Warrior amps everything up a notch, but Mad Max still holds up.

Netflix Double Feature!  Because I love not knowing what they will send me next.

108) Showdown in Little Tokyo - Not the best, nor worst, film I've seen.  I actually live-tweeted while watching the film last night.  Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee are good together, but this film was just lacking something.  It was a decent action/buddy-cop film, but the humor was missing.

109) Soylent Green - I really enjoyed this, even though I knew the ending going in (it's hard not to know when "Soylent Green is people!" is a part of pop culture.)  I really liked the character interaction between Sol  and Thorn, especially since Sol had experienced the world before the overpopulation, and knew of things like strawberries and beef.  Edward G. Robinson does a fantastic job as Sol, especially after finding out this was his last film and he was dying of cancer while filming.

Going to Retro Cinema at Movie Tavern with Dave & Elizabeth tonight.  Jaws is playing!  Can't wait to experience it on the big screen (BONUS: Eliz has never seen it, and it is on my "40 films before 40" list)

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