Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Elizabeth and I had a great time this weekend helping out at the Weekend to Remember.  We attended last year, and that is how we got involved with FamilyLife.  Friday night, we helped out at the registration table, and the rest of the weekend we were just helping out where needed.  We love being involved in the FamilyLife ministry, and already look forward to next years event.

Been on a movie kick recently.  Just knocking some library rentals out, plus hanging out with Dave again.

I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 Sunday night.  I really enjoyed it, and it will be something to add to the collection eventually.  Not sure if I would say it's better than the first one, but that's only because it's been a while since I have seen it.  I'm a sucker for most kid/family films, and it's hard for me to not be entertained by one of them.

Monday, Dave came over and we braved watching The Thing (2011).  In the end, it wasn't a bad movie.  The pacing was off a bit, and knowing how the movie ends because of John Carpenter's The Thing, I think it was hard to not judge the film.  I enjoyed the acting for the most part, and thought the effects were decent.  As a prequel to Carpenter's film, it was nice to see how things played out.  After watching it, I read about how the director and his team made sure that all the details were right, and had stills from the Norwegian site as seen in Carpenter's film so they would be correct, which I thought was very cool.  I might eventually buy it, if found at a decent price.

After that, we watching Terminator Salvation.  I really enjoyed it.  I loved the concept that Sam Worthington was a Terminator, but didn't realize it.  Christian Bale was John Conner was great, but Bale is one of my favorite actors so I'm always impressed with his work.  And I had forgotten that Kyle Reese was a character in this film as well, which I thought Anton Yelchin did a good job at.  Seeing the post-Judgment Day world is a good way to progress the franchise, and I'm hoping that Bale and Yelchin return for any further chapters.  Also, the surprise "cameo" (it's CGI) of Arnold as the T-800 was nice.

Dave also came over this afternoon and we watched a Chang Chen film, Ten Tigers of Kwangtung.  It was  an enjoyable film, told mostly in flashback (the movie is pieced together by 3 different people adding to the story), and has some great fighting, which is really the reason we watch Chen films to begin with.  That and the kills.  And the finale to this one doesn't disappoint.

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