Friday, February 03, 2012

Hasta la Vista, Baby

I've been lackluster with the writing lately.  It's not that I don't want to write.  This is my outlet.  I'm just not making it a priority, which is fine, but I do need to start making time to do it so I don't stop completely.

Work was ok this week.  Last night was the worst of it, and it was a surprisingly good night.  The second of the month, and I had one call-out and a no-show.  Thankfully one cashier was willing to come back and work after working an earlier shift.  If she hadn't come back, last night probably wouldn't have been so good.

I've been in the mood for documentaries and making of features recently, but a lot of the stuff I want to watch I want to watch after the movie, so expect a lot of things coming down soon.  I finally decided a series to start with on Monday, when I watched The Terminator.  I watched Terminator 2: Judgment Day yesterday, and will probably have the other two movies in the franchise watched by early next week.

First things first: I finally reached a point where I think T1 is the superior film.  As Dave pointed out, a lot of people remember T2 from their childhood, so that's why they like it more.  And I think that's one of the reasons I was always impartial to it.  But after watching them so closely together, I think that T1 is the better film.  First off, Arnie as the villain is just cooler.  I love Robert Patrick as the T-1000, but the original Terminator is so methodical and menacing.  I know that T1 doesn't have the effects and budget of T2, but that is also one of the reasons it is such a great film.  And after watching the documentary about the making of T1, and seeing all that got put into it, it really shines as a film. It holds up well, for being almost 30 years old.

Another thing about T2: I found John Conner annoying.

T2 does have some great moments though: the mall scene when John is finally found by both T-800 and the T-1000, and the chase sequence that follows.  The shoot-out at Dyson's place, and the destruction of CyberDyne.  And of course the final chase sequence, that ends at the steel mill.

I was a little sad that T2 didn't have any making of features.  There are some commentaries, but that is not what I'm looking for.  I've got a couple documentaries I might watch without watching the movie first, so they might be watched soon.  And I might finally crack and start watching the plethora of stuff that is with the LOTR DVDs.

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