Thursday, May 16, 2013


I was going to wait until after work to write, but decided to eat some leftover pizza for lunch, since I'll eat out during my break later. So, going to at least start my new blog post, and if I don't finish, I shall do so after work.

Eliz has been out of town since Monday night.  Her grandmother passed, so she flew out to Indiana to attend the funeral and be with family.  I wish I could've gone with her, but work and finances did not allow it.  Not that money was really an issue.  She comes back tomorrow, and I can't wait to see her.  We haven't spent much time away from one another in our 4 years of marriage.

I was off yesterday, and actually spent some of my time being productive, as I began moving things around in our bedrooms.  Not sure how much I'll accomplish before Eliz returns, but since I'm off tomorrow too, I'm hoping to have a decent chuck moved.  We have a lot more than I realized, but if I do a little at a time instead of trying to accomplish the big picture, it's a lot easier.

With Eliz gone this week, being on the internet has been tricky, as I've been trying to avoid spoilers for the season finales that are airing.  So far, so good...for the most part.

We had a lot going on last week, between her family situation, just life in general, and then prepping for Rocky's graduation, so I haven't had time to settle in for a movie until yesterday.  And I ended up doing a double feature: Beetlejuice and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!


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