Friday, September 05, 2014

50 Random Things

I'm in a writing mood, and according to the stats Blogger shows me, this is going to be my 50th entry for this blog. So, why not make it an entry of 50 randoms things. Probably going to me more facts about me, or observations I have had. We shall see. Not that anyone actually will end up reading this though.

50. I've been married for 5 years to my best friend, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.

49. Out of the 4 steady jobs I've had in my life, 2 of the businesses I worked for no longer exist (Blockbuster Video & Borders bookstore)

48. I love my current job at LifeWay, but know I will never have another job experience like Borders 682. The right people at the right time, and the friendships that came out of that place will be life-long.

47. I need to learn some basic HTML if I'm going to be writing in this blog regularly again.

46. For those that don't know, I read comics. I tend to stick to DC mostly, but after attending my first con back in March, I've actually stepped out of my comfort zone. I read a couple Marvel titles at the moment (I think 2 of them are ending by the end of the year), and I've really gotten into Image and the creator owned books they put out. One of my new favorites in Nailbiter by Joshua Williamson.

45. Man, why did I choose this as my entry? Already 5 points in and losing steam. But not giving up!

44. I just pulled up "Cascade Mountain Stream" on Netflix for background noise as I write. If anything, all it is going to do is make me need to pee.

43. Have been watching Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th franchises in chronological order, as I've been wanting to watch Never Sleep Again and Crystal Lake Memories, but wanted to watch each film before getting to the documentaries. I prefer Jason over Freddy. My favorite Elm Street was 3 (Dream Warriors), and Friday was 6 (Jason Lives).

42. As my previous post shows, I enjoy thrift store shopping. I mostly purchase books while I'm out, but I also find the occasional board game and/or movie. And every once in a blue moon, some really cool stuff, like the Batman and Robin glasses from the '70s Brian found when we last went out together. Speaking of which, the two of us need to go back out sometime soon.

41. Monkeys are my favorite animal.

40. I love Batman. I probably own at least 25 Batman-themed shirts, not including JLA appearances. I really should catalog them. That could be an interesting blog post.

39. I keep track of what movies I've watched by posting on a pinterest board. Recently, I've been trying to use obscure or foreign posters as my update on it. Makes it a bit more interesting.

38. I really should get back into writing. Be it this blog, or trying to get a book out of my system.

37. Personal dream of mine: getting a book published. Hence, the desire to write. Just not good at time management.

36. I've got an upcoming vacation that I am looking forward to. If anything, will be visiting Las Vegas for sure.

35. A few movies I've never seen (as of this writing): Braveheart, Fight Club, & Chinatown. Or any of The Godfather movies.

34. Took a break and napped for a bit. While napping, news broke that Joan Rivers had died.

33. '80s & '90s tv shows have some of the best theme music ever. I have so many favorites from that period.

32. I may be a bit impartial, but Batman has the greatest rogues gallery. Mr. Freeze is my favorite, but The Ventriloquist & Scarface are a close second.

31. I ain't afraid of no ghost.

30. I drink coffee, as well as collect coffee cups. I've got about 5-6 that I use regularly, and tend to pick them up as souvenirs for myself. And shockingly, I do not have a Batman one as of this writing.

29. I just sent a small electrical shock through my body trying to plug something in. Super weird and a bit startling.

28. I'm tempted to start my Netflix (DVDs in the mail) account back up again, but already have so much to watch with my own collection, streaming, hulu, and the library.

27. My dad was in the Air Force, so we moved around a lot as I was growing up. I was born in New Mexico, then moved to Japan. Back to New Mexico, followed by Arizona, North Carolina, Missouri, and the Virginia, which is where he retired. My parents moved to North Carolina 10(?) years ago. I've lived in Virginia the longest I've lived anywhere, 16 years. Which is also half of my life-span.

26. The age I was when Elizabeth & I married.

25. This list is taking me longer than I expected to compile. Finally at the half-way point.

23. For background sound, I now have Winter Wonderland playing on the TV. Piano Christmas music playing while snowy background scenes are shown on the screen.

22. Elizabeth has never seen the theatrical cuts of Lord of the Rings, but has seen the extended cuts.

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20. I can say the alphabet backwards at a surprisingly fast rate.

19. I own over 1000 DVDs & Blu-Rays. A good portion of my collection came from my Blockbuster Video years. I also own a lot of movies I've never seen.

18. I bought The Real Ghostbusters complete animated series collection on DVD because of a late-night infomercial.

17. I've been trying to read Stephen King's books in order that he wrote them (excluding The Dark Tower saga. That is a task of it's own.) I'm currently stuck on Pet Sematary.

16. I've flown more in just the 9 months than I have the past decade.

15. I broke my wrist when I was in the 6th grade roller skating. After getting the cast put on, my dad took me to my moms place of work. She thought we were trying to pull one over on her.

14. I had a blonde beagle as a pet when I was younger. Her name was Daisy. I miss her.

13. My favorite number.

12. I remember seeing City Slickers in the theater when it came out (I was 8).

11. Journey is one of my favorite bands. Separate Ways is my favorite song by them, and one of the greatest music videos ever.

10. It took forever to get this far. I really thought this entry would be easier to write.

9. I recently signed up for LootCrate.

8. I read more books this summer than I have over the last 5 years. I need to get back into the habit and read more.

7. Unthemed lists are dumb. Better luck next time.

6. I'm tired, but promised myself I would get this entry done & posted before bed.

5. Halloween III is actually my favorite of the sequels.

4. I collect media tie-in books. Movie novelizations are my favorite.

3. I get distracted easily. Especially online, when I open links in other windows.

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1. FINALLY. Thanks for reading.

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