Tuesday, September 16, 2014

WizardWorld Richmond 2014

Back in March, Dave & I went to Seattle to attend Emerald City Comic Con for his birthday.  He turned 30 this year, so Elizabeth & I wanted to do something big and special for him, so the two of us went to a comic con, as I had never been and he had been wanting to go to another one (he had last gone to NYCC in 2009).  It was lots of fun, and we had a great time.  It was a wonderful first con experience, and it was cool to meet writers & artists personally, and it was during that weekend I got back into Twitter, which ultimately brought me back to the blog as well.

Fast forward to this past weekend, and Dave and I decided to would travel up to Richmond to attend the inaugural WizardWorld.  We knew it would be a much smaller event than ECCC, but worth it for a 1-day ticket.  Tom from Heroes & Villains would also be there on Saturday with his wife and a few other friends.

As we expected, it was a much smaller event, but it was still enjoyable.  I didn't come away with as much stuff as I did in Seattle, but the few things I did get I really like.  I bought 3 mini postcard sized prints of Jason from Friday the 13th, Skeletor, and a mash-up of Batgirl/Buttercup (from Powerpuff Girls).  I also picked up this cool looking Creature from the Black Lagoon print, and a print of Predator with different pop culture items in the trophy room including a Batarang, Lion-O's sword, and the Rocketeer helmet.

The one piece of original art I left with it a small headshot of Plastic Man done by Tom Cook, an animator who has worked on so many different things.  It was hard to choose what I was going to get, as my options included characters from Masters of the Universe, Scooby-Doo, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.  I also had him sign a few dvds that I own while I was at his booth.

I did pick up a Blu-Ray I have been wanting to get while I was there.  I upgraded my Daimajin set.  And from looking at it last night, well worth the upgrade.  Will have to find the time soon to rewatch the movies.

Dave left the event with an original piece of art from Neal Adams featuring Invisible Woman.  He also met Bruce Campbell and got his autobiography signed.  Not sure of everything Tom left with, but I do know he left with an original Raphael done and signed by Kevin Eastman, as well as a few comics signed by Eastman.

I enjoyed the con, and will probably attend again.  Dave and I made the joke after learning that it was the inaugural one, that we should attend every year and see how it improves, and then in 5-10 years, we could say we had been attending from the start.

We have the local Tidewater Comicon on October 18th to look forward to, and I think Elizabeth will be joining us for that experience.

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