Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy 32nd Birthday

I had a great birthday this past weekend, spent with great friends and an amazing wife.

Yesterday after church, Elizabeth, Lindsey, Brian and myself spent the afternoon with pizza and homemade cookies (easily some of the best I've ever had) and watched Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey.  Two films Elizabeth had never seen, and that are on my 40 Films before 40 list.

(For those that don't know, when Elizabeth and I made 40 Before 40 lists two years ago, one of the objectives on my personal list is a list of 40 movies Elizabeth has never seen with me.  It is a wide range of movies, mostly favorites of mine that I want to experience with her,)

It was a great afternoon, and surprisingly, she liked Bogus more.

After Bri & Lindz left, we relaxed at home and I began playing Batman: Arkham City, one of my birthday gifts.  I also took the time and called my parents and grandparents, as I had missed a call from them.  And it is always nice to talk with family.

Dave came over later that evening, and we ate leftover pizza & cookies, and ended up watching The Serpent & The Rainbow, which he had just bought at MovieStop.  (Movie will get its own post shortly, as I am considering it as Movie #1 in my 31 Days of Horror challenge).  He also had his gift for me, which was Volumes 1 and 2 of Chew, Omnivore editions.  A great gift, since I just got into Chew earlier this year.

One final gift I've yet to experience, but that is because it hasn't happened yet.  Elizabeth, Dave, and I will be going to a hockey game next month, which should be lots of fun.

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