Monday, January 09, 2012


Last night I watched Drive Angry starring Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard, and William Fichtner.  I really wanted to like this one, but I had some issues with it.  The language for one thing bothered me, plus the gratuitous nudity that was completely unnecessary.  The one scene where Cage is having sex with a woman while killing a bunch of bad guys was just weird.  The film was shot as a 3-D movie, and there are a few scenes where you can see that.  The CGI wasn't great when used either.  I liked the premise of the story, and thought the acting wasn't bad.  I loved Fichtner as The Accountant.  Easily the best part of the movie, in my opinion.  But the language, especially in the first hour, detracted me a lot.  Continual usage of the "F" word is not needed to make a movie entertaining.

Had a decent weekend, and work was ok today.  Nothing to special.  The time seemed to drag by for what seemed an eternity.  Last night and this evening, Elizabeth and I have caught up with a few of our recorded shows on the TIVO.  Watched a lot of Food Network stuff, as well as knocked out all Fallon and Conan we had.

Have tomorrow off.  Besides getting the car serviced, I don't have a lot planned.  Probably watch a movie or two.  Elizabeth has been getting refocused on her schooling, so I usually watch something while she's doing her school work.  Might even decide to watch something tonight after Castle.

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