Sunday, January 22, 2012


Haven't seen much over the last couple of days, working and all, but it's been a decent week.  Work hasn't been to bad.  At night, it's actually kind of slow after 8 PM.  But I'm happy to have a job, I just wish it was either FT or I got a few more hours weekly.

Comics were good this week.  I will probably start posting on them weekly, depending on my mood.  Dave brought over a couple books for me to read, which I will probably do tomorrow at some point.  He also got me a cool Joker bobble-head from the clearance at B&N.

Yesterday was a great day off.  Elizabeth had a baby shower to attend yesterday afternoon, so I spent sometime at the library.  Afterwards we just had a night in, chilling at home watching a few movies.

First up: Surrogates starring Bruce Willis, Rosamund Pike & James Cromwell.  A futuristic thriller set in a world where everyone uses a Surrogate (an android-like body made to your liking that you control via brain wave) to live.  When a murder takes place, not only destroying the surrogate but killing it's owner as well, Willis must investigate.  He eventually has the re-enter the world as a human, as his surrogate is destroyed and he must figure out who he can trust, if anyone.  I liked it a lot more than I expected, and there was a twist that caught me by surprise.

Next on the plate: Taxi starring Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon.  Elizabeth and I liked this one.  I'm a sucker for films in the buddy-cop genre.  Being a fan of Fallon from SNL and Late Night, I decided to check this one out from the library.  Not the best movie, but also not the worst movie I've ever seen.  I did feel like it was kind of long, but we also ended up watching the extended edition.

And the last film from last night: Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls starring Jim Carrey.  I'm not sure which one I enjoy more out of the two Ace Ventura movies.  This one has Ace going to Africa trying to help a tribe find their sacred bat.  A lot of funny parts, one of my favorites being the party scene and his interaction with the guy from Monopoly. Just thinking about it makes me chuckle.

Church was great today.  Sanctity of Life Sunday.  John sure knows how to preach a powerful and moving message.

Dave came over this evening and we watched the remake of Fright Night.  It was a lot better than I expected it to be.  I would even say it's better than the original.  If I am able to find it cheap, I will probably add it to the DVD collection.  It's pays its respect to the original, but is also able to make it it's own (being that Tom Holland was involved in both probably helped there).  The CGI was good, and the acting was great.  I liked Anton Yelchin as Charley, and I thought Colin Farrell was excellent as Jerry ("That is a terrible  vampire name.")

Not sure what the plan for the rest of the night is.  Probably something on streaming, as I keep finding new shows to watch.  Besides Deadliest Warrior, I've started to watch some of the true crime shows that are available, like The First 48.

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