Tuesday, January 03, 2012

01-03-2012 II

Just finished watching Priest, starring Paul Bettany, Maggie Q, and Karl Urban.  I had borrowed it from the library last Wednesday, so figured I would kill sometime today and watch it.

It was a lot better than I was expecting it to be; it's actually a movie I would like to add to my collection if found for a decent price.   I really enjoyed the mythology and look of the film itself, plus the action scenes were great.  I enjoyed most of the acting, and the special effects were good too.  Sadly, it seems like they were setting up for a franchise which we will never see, probably.  I don't think it did all that great at the box office. 

I think the plan for tonight involves seeing Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol , which I'm looking forward to.  May not be the biggest Cruise fan, but he can make a good movie.  Plus, looking forward to seeing how Brad Bird transitions to live action movies after working in animation and for Pixar.

Have a little bit of time before I have to pick up Elizabeth and we start our evening together.  I finally found the charging station to my electric razor, so I will most definitely be shaving soon.  Beyond that, who knows.

Oh yeah, I stumbled across a website this morning that lets you make lists.  I decided to start a list of movies I've seen this year, which can be found here.  And if you have any suggestions of movies for me to watch, please leave a comment and I will consider it.

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